Once a crowd gathered, with people shaking their heads, muttering curse words under their breath at the site, the security probably realized they...
That reminded me of trip we took recently. [IMG] My daughter thought this was a fun game. We laughed about it, but some passers-by got...
TE, why do you assume that the team prefers Russell over Flynn? You compare Booty to Flynn? I remember Josh leaving us for baseball, yet Flynn...
When Moore gets done with it, GWB will be sitting around with UBL laughing, drinking beer, as they watch 911 on CNN together.
Thanks snorton. Maybe we should change "Good Eats" to "Snorton's Board" :wink:
I made a brown jambalay for the first time. It didn't come out very brown at all. Anybody have a clue what I did wrong? I'm guessing I didn't...
Well, apparently Disney is impressed with him, since Miramax is financing his next film, "Farenheit 911." He will attempt to prove (twist facts)...
Michael Moore on small business: http://www.arcataeye.com/top/020312top02.shtml
MicaelMooreHatesAmerica.com Another good site: MooreLies.com They expose his documentary here. He basically chops up a bunch of...
Of course they do, you just asked why everybody is bashing liberals right now. Republicans have their guy in office, he's being attacked, and...
Khaos Welcome to the board. Without getting into political idealogy, I'll simply answer your question about liberal-bashing. It's an election...
In Baton Rouge, I've never gone anywhere but Superior. Best Margaritas I've ever had (I usually don't drink Margaritas). Crawfish Enchiladas...
I'd like to see our team run out under the H-style goalposts, and have Mike roaring at the other team as they come out.
LOL. Did you come up with that?
Oh, I see. For those who don't know, it's a satirical site ran by either former or current LSU students. Check out the AOL victims. Pretty...
What does that have to do with the Beavers? Studio 8 is ran by LSU (former?) students.
Great site DallasLSU. The media does make it seem like he doesn't get nearly that much from the company. However, I don't think it's enough to...
Theresa Heinz doesn't own much stock in the company, and no family member is employed by the company.
You're probably right about them hating us. I suspect that it may be a mixture of fear, mistrust, and just being brainwashed to hate America....