DITTO; The wood shed in the second half. You guys are the real deal on defense. I hope to see you in Atlanta if we can get some more help on...
I watched most of your great game over Flordia? I dont recall Maulk being injured???? I hope this was not in the 4th qrt when the game was way...
The tiger hunter I see is number 99. You will learn that this is Mr Gause. George Gause. I am here to tell you he is the real deal. Speed and...
You better watch out. I saw Lou down around Charleston SC looking for a gitchee (witch doctor) to conjure up the zombies to suit up. Amazing...
:D :D :D :D I will give you props for kicking a little gator butt. I too am a gator hater and proud of it. What made it great was you kept...
Thanks, The tailgating sounds like a lot of fun. We have a large time tailgating ourselves, but it is nice to see how the different areas do...
NO CLASS;; must be a CLEMSUCK grad
The past few years I have made several away game visits, Bama, Georgia, Miss ST. I am excited about the trip to LSU. I think this will be a...