in the last couple of days this story has come to the forefront but if you consider the source it makes the whole thing seem to be a bit of BS....
maybe, maybe not. no one knows. however, I think you missed my point, Mortenson says Saban is leaving for every job, so if he gets it right it...
Chris Mortenson does not count any longer. Once you have been incorrect 15 thousand times in a row, your chance is over. If Mortenson gets it...
I really don't know what Saban is thinking but.... if you regularly listen to his Wednesday night shows he gives the impression he really likes...
I have done my part! LSU told me this morning that I got 4 from them plus I picked up 10 last week from the Capital One Bowl website. Theres no...
Of course they were nice. the final score was USC 23 au 0 How could you not be nice after going in someones house and killing them? I...
will the drug suspension kick in after that? :lsug: :champs: :olefire:
88 - 90K minimum. no way its in the 70's. no way. :lsug: :champs: :olefire:
Good to hear that you got her to a safe place and you feel secure. We'll be saying our prayers for all you guys anyway. Stay safe, and let us know...
Ellis, you might try leaving at the last minute. We had a similar experience trying to drive from Orlando to BR for the OSU game while all of...
Give them what they want.... If I had heard it only once it would have been once too many. They say Saban wants to postpone? Watch out what...
too bad for them gameday will be at ND-Mich. St. HAHAHAHHA :lsug: :champs: :olefire:
bunch of idiots.... I straightened out that "Auburn dominated the SEC" mess... too easy.... now whether they accept it or not is in direct...
HAHAHA!!! they laughed at me too.... now they are quiet! :lsug: :champs: :olefire:
I don't agree. the emotional investment that OSU put into the LSU game was draining to them.I am not surprised they had a letdown, and like most...
yeh. that is pretty funny. :lsug: :champs: :olefire:
I have been going to LSU games for over 30 years... I have never ever booed. When LSU screws up I feel bad, but I also feel bad for our guys and...
??? what brought about all this? apparently punctuation ain't cool either. :D :lsug: :champs: :olefire:
yeh, like YOU were going to donate.... and the irony is that you are posting without paying and complaining that its not free. :shock:...
Sure, we do agree, just forget all that other nonsense. those two teams undefeated on Oct. 2 .... could it get any better?? The atmosphere of that...