The 800 pound gorilla in the room! Les Miles has to deal with this circus NOW or this will be a distraction for the team. There is no way around...
I second this motion!:geaux:
The LBs and secondary definitely looked very SLOW.:helmet:
You got jokes.:geaux:
If he goes he goes. LSU will be fine.:geaux:
Great post! No one can give a SENSIBLE response to your truthful post.:helmet:
Do not dare say Flynn is not perfect. Ryan Perrilloux caused him to throw those Ints. Flynn is perfect!:lol:
Re: Are we going to be in the same position looking for a coach late into the off sea I hope not. :geaux:
The program will survive.
If you hate that he is still on the team,speak to Les Miles about it. You would really be mad to he does well the rest of the way. :lsup:
Re: The Official I hope Andrew Hatch plays more than one quarter vs Louisiana Tech Th Sure.
Hope he gets the help he needs.
Great article.
Re: Carnell Stewart CS is working hard, give the guy a break.
With better preparation, yes.
Good choice!
It is all good as long as we keep winning. :lsup:
When are the new rankings coming out? :lsup:
What is up with all the hate. RP will be fine in future. I guess you will mad if he plays well and help the tigers win. :lsup: