L! S! U! L! S! U! L! S! U! That game ended awesome! Wish I'd been there!
Move them chains!Move them chains! Motherfuckers!
We are about to see what Jennings can do. LSU LSU LSU
Don't look bro. It's gotten real bad real quick. Iaintbleebnthisshit
I'm thinking I should've stayed in the deer stand and watched on game cast.
W T F !
http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS11300000 3,000,000 fewer workers 16 or over in the workforce now. That's why Barry's labor stats are %7. It's...
It's been cut in half because of sequester. And even at current spending levels it's double what W ran. The sequester is basically gutting the...
He engineered the largest tax increase in US history, during a recession might I add. His policies have made us look week to the world and also...
Now that having health insurance is the "law". We won't need Medicare/Medicaid anymore. Do away with that tax. While we are at it. Make retirement...
"and your point is? doesn't matter who their employer is." It does when they're passing laws that fuck us and exempt themselves.
QUOTEQUOTE congress opted out of it because they have an existing health care plan through their employer that meets all the requirements of the...
Let's not forget the unions and the democrats donators that got exemptions. That was their reward for political support while the rest of us are...
President's approval dropping like a ball bearing. Going down faster than a $2 whore at a rock concert.
Saturday we fielded an offense and defense. The weather may have been shit but the game should've kept the LSU fans warm. Man I would have loved...
Them Tigers kicked ass and took names today. On both sides of the ball.
Let's Geaux Tigers! LSU !
The enemy wants to kill soldiers. Black, white, male, female or gay. They don't give a damn so our military better. To lower standards just to...
That'd be funny as hell.
Delahousay kicks the winning fg with 5 secs left. 41-38 LSU.