This. Meyer is THE face of Ohio State. Nobody pictures Michael V. Drake when they think of tOSU. They see Urban Meyer. If he lies, the...
Even though the importance of this case is huge on its own, this could not come at a worse time for Meyers when you consider that Ohio State is...
This piece of shit wife beater, Zach Smith, is the grandson of former Ohio State coach Earle Bruce.
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
Tressel Meyer was questioned by Ohio State on December 16 July 26 concerning his knowledge of the activities abuse disclosed by the Justice...
Dear Steve...what is your recipe for fumunder cheese souflee?
Try Don's Country Store in Reserve.
That's what she said.
We all know that was the only remotely hetero video that "pops up" in your feed.
Glad this did not devolve into a nose picking thread. Lol. I think flat picking to fingerstyle is kind of a natural progression in player...
So smooth and creamy you can use a paper knife.
At least I'm not "letting any get on the cake":...
Dear Steve, My meatloaf is just not that into me anymore. Is it time for me to move on? Dejected in Detroit
[IMG] Or... [IMG] ??
It really was impressive. The CNC part of the process is to only shape the body and neck parts. Everything else is done by hand, including...
Pretty much. I think they went like 1-10. Lol.
Andre Sale is the pro style QB that transferred from Tennessee Tech. He's from Baton Rouge, I think. He transferred to LSU in January. He has...
I got to do a group tour of the PRS Guitar factory in Maryland yesterday. It was beyond impressive. I have some images here:...
No. I had an uncle committ suicide because he was addicted to gambling. I don't bet. Ever. Nice try, though.
And this might have been a foregone conclusion even if Burrow did not transfer here.