Absolutely right. In this case, politicians will make the policies, officers will refine it, and enlisted men (staff NCOs and NCOs) will enforce...
I just don't know about Bono. I don't like his music, but what grates me about him is his off-stage work. I know he does a lot of great charity...
Agreed about how there are bigger issues at hand, but I'm not sure about other services, but the Marines still don't allow women in combat units....
Hands down, the worst movie I have ever seen is The Marine with John Cena. I can't even tell you why I went to see it. I thought about walking...
From FOX... President-elect Barack Obama will allow gays to serve openly in the military by overturning the controversial "don't ask, don't tell"...
I read this somewhere else on the forum, but I'll paraphrase... Who defined good sportsmanship as letting the other team have the ball and score...
Well, Saban lost a bowl game, so I guess it's time for him to move on to another team. Maybe he'll make the announcement three states away on...
Nope, the worst had to have been Keith Jackson calling the 2004-season Rose Bowl, "the people's championship" as he called the bowl in 2003....
Alright, I'll say it... I wonder how many in the crowd were cheering when Lee was being helped off the field simply because he was leaving, not...
People are just venting. I still love Les. :miles:
1. Why did you burn those two timeouts at the very end of regulation?
Good post. I definitely tend to get bogged down in minutiae, so it's good to step back and look at the big picture like this.
SIX interceptions returned for touchdowns this season -- the most in the NCAA. People tend to jump on the bandwagon calling for people's heads...
Maybe it's time to turn it off mute, haha.
...after I heard Gary Danielson say John Parker Wilson's cell phone hand gesture was probably in response to LSU players putting fingers in...
I try to avoid talking about politics with people because 1) most people do not share the same level of interest in it as I do, and 2) it usually...
Did you see the Florida game two weeks ago? You probably felt pretty good with all the sips you must've taken.