They go hand in hand.
The point was that Obama's policies prohibit job growth. If this "rich" business owner contributed "his fair share" would all be hunky dorey?
We often agree, just not on forwarded stuff. I suspected it was not authentic but, as you so astutely observed, that was not the point.
I heard that the Pine Bluff player called the Southern guy a Tea Partier.
Wilson might find it easier to coach during games without all of that annoying crowd noise.
What would Troy do?
Most will tell you that AIG really was too big to fail.
You own a few shares of stock. You are not an owner.
They suck.
Exactly. Liberals want what's "fair" without any regard for what's fair to the ones who own what they want.
He built it on his own and then hired employees to help it grow. They are not necessarily entitled to share in the profits. They work for a...
Then don't invest in those companies. Geez, do I have to tell you everything?
It just looks scary. It's not that bad.
I'll answer my own question (and yours): Neither were ordained pre season by the all-knowing sports media.
You don't have to open and read it, you know.
I beg to differ. If I owned the company it would trickle up to me. Where does it say that I'm entitled to share in profits that someone else...
Ron Paul sheep have their own definitions for commonly used terms.
Yeah, let's completely overlook the part where he put his own ass on the line and lived like a pauper to build the business. He took all of the...
You are getting more and more liberal every day. The "ultra-rich" that you rail against keeps me employed and pays me a nice salary with great...
Doesn't take as long to become full of piss...