Zero tolerance.
I'd still kick em off the team.
Let's not forget that I said this.
I would hope the Defensive and Offensive linemen take the "fake dope 3" into the showers and "explain" to them that their idiocy is hurting the...
Yes, I do drink a few beers occasionally. I have 2 cups of coffee every morning as well. I was speaking directly to LaSalle who is a dopehead...
So you determine who is overpaid and whether they get to keep their money? Sounds hypocritical to me.
Did you ever try just living with your brain the way God intended. Why do you need to phuk yourself up? Does your life suck that bad?
If it was drugs I'd kick them off the team. Set an example.
That's because we are LSU fans and this is an LSU forum. See how that works?
Wrong. I cut Obama zero slack.
That's ridiculous. Rich guys will always have the most. That's why they are called rich.
I already told you you won.
My thinking too. Can we get some confirmation before committing mass suicide?
Send me that steak so I can have it along with the beer you're going to send me.
You live in California. You're..."different"...
Of course. It's Bush's fault. It eventually comes down to that whenever Obama is critcized. Obama hasn't fixed squat in a thousand days, but...
The issue is the effect on JOBS. Sure, he'll keep his business if he wants to but he will hire fewer employees and may even let a few go to...
No but it's enough to stop him from expanding and hiring new employees or even keeping all of his current ones. Businesses won't eat increased...