And tiga:
Stopped reading after "Berkeley".
The negatigers are out there. Let LSU slip up and they will be here in force. Said another way: An LSU loss is like turning on the lights in a...
Tubby is an idiot. Passed up a sure 3 and tries a fake punt when failure means disaster. OU has all the Mo but we get their coaches 1st place...
We tried to tell them.
Boy Wonder needs to take his 2 year Genius A$$ somewhere outside the SEC. Head Coach Openings in AUBURN FOOTBALL AND RECRUITING GENERAL...
Only one posted it.
I was hoping they'd change into the traditional uni's at halftime.
One for Izzy.:thumb:
Like smoking cigars on our turf, stomping on the eye and running through our band? Fuggem.
Hey Shane. How about that kickoff coverage??!!
I knew I hit a nerve with that one.:thumb:
Only you and Obama think this will turn out well.
Could not have said it better.
Maybe we should have pressured Smith.
Your politics is MSNBC. I don't know what you watch. I watch Fox News because I want to hear both sides, not just liberal sputum.
Obama is getting desperate. Can you say one termer?
He's lucky he has a Mama.
Nothing unique about theeir stances. Red is MSNBC and martin is CNN.