Homeland Security is part of what the Occupiers are about: Haftin' To Be Uproared - Occupy Atlanta - YouTube
We could bail out 50 Solyndras with that money.
Whether LSU or Alabama is the better team is hotly debated in football forums. The dissent level is quite low among those who are fans of either...
Further reduce the squirrel population.
Like Sean Payton's onside kick, for example.
No comment :D
When has that ever stopped politicians? I paid my sons tuition and books all through college and he still ran up huge student loan debt. It's...
There are many different kinds of music. Don't be afraid to expand your horizons.
It worked the 1st time but not the second which makes it a one termer.
Boise State #4 over Clemson and Stanford flies in the face everything I thought I knew about this process.
If ABC doesn't report it, we don't know about it.
It was across the goal line. No question. Besides, I had to get up early and I don't know if I could have gotten up after an overtime.
That was impressive to be sure but Tennessee's DL and secondary are a few notches below LSU's. That dog won't hunt against this defense. Still,...
Well goody for Barack. Even if 1000 jobs are created, a cost of $535,000 per job is a tad steep. But, this is not about jobs. This is about...
I'll do my part. I found a great "green" car that gets 19 miles a gallon. Of course, it's made in Finland and cost $97,000 but the production...
Ummm...yes it was. If they make that FG game probably ends up in OT and Sooners win.
#s 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (it wasn't real grass).
I looked at a Badger site after the BCS came out. They were actually OK with #6 and felt that losses by the teams ahead of them that play each...
I seem to remember some poster named Ramah pitching a hissy fit and vowing never to return until Miles was gone.