We can...will we?
Hellz, yeah!
I'm feeling better.
Gotta love, Joe !
Did anyone else catch the sob story (again) about Dabo and his mommy sharing the same bed in college? Dabo may actually be a mother fucker.
Hey, don't insult the vagina.
Fuck yeah, Chase.
Well, our offense better get their heads outta their asses...cuz we're getting ours handed to us. We aren't stopping them, so we have to score.
Freaking easy 1st down. Ugly boy does have ice water in his veins. And....Etienne for a billion yards.
Let's get 7, boys.
I volunteer to punch his fugly face.
It needs to be gold...none of that white shit. I'm nearly 50, so I don't mind putting my two cents in.
Hellz yeah!
I really think they could choose a more spectacular uniform, though.
I hope you talked her into that.
WHY are our receivers dropping passes they'd catch the rest of the year?
I'm halfway through a 32 ounce rum and Diet Coke.
Faked out...now let's even this shit out.