This is pretty spot-on. We have a mere shell of a team left. It reminds me of the one and done, lightning in a bottle Cam Newton season at Auburn.
Welcome to the board. You guys punched us in the mouth a ton last night.
I'm so proud of this team.
Hellz, yass!
Back in the 90's, Inever thought I would see one. 3 since '03 is like a dream.
THAT is how Bigfan ended?
Not this many, I would venture. On a Clemson board, they are now bemoaning their weak schedule that didn't prepare them.
I saw a meme calling it a Pinterest fail. I have to agree.
I'm getting old, but I think I could've thrown that ball better than TLaw just did. (Not really, but when I was his age, sure...)
It is rather embarrassing to hear it that loud and clear. And I curse like a sailor.
As you were saying....
Don't wuss out! Are you going to bed?
I was already celebrating the TD...
In a one-sided kind of way. Well, except for the targeting, which was, in fact, targeting.
Now they call PI. Sure.
Gotta go get a TD, simple as that. Though I am concerned that Joe is injured.
I get up at 5:15 and in the car by 6:30 to get my 9th grader to 6:45 drill team practice. School doesn't start first me until 8:30 (middle...
I finished my huge drink and need to coast now. I have to teach in the morning.
Exactly. What in the hell is that BS?
And...Clemson converted it for us.