Why be an a-hole. I am new here and was just wondering how this thing worked. Ya gotta ask questions to learn something....
The Bears don't even need an offense, they came back from a 20 pt defecit without scoring and offense touchdown... I'd leave them as the #1 team...
Thanks! Tough room here... got a bunch of negative reps for thinking that the 2 losses this year will make LSU a better team in the future... of...
I guess it all comes down to the fact that these corporations spent billions of dollars to make the desert wasteland in Nevada an Oasis and now...
I looked and don't see a questions/suggestion forum here so if this is the wrong place, I am sorry. Can someone explain to me how the...
I don't know if anyone here plays or watches poker on tv. I have been playing poker for years, and I think what's going on is bullsh$t. Here are a...
wow, Just woke up and can't believe that "DA BEARS" are losing!
I'll play next year...
I am trying to find a vid of it online... Cause if I missed that part, im sorry... I know a few friends of mine thought the same thing I did and...
This site wont load for me...
I must be sleeping, MY Saints in someones Power Rankings and in the top 10 no less... someone pinch me.. OR ... let me sleep.. awesome DREAM!~...
TY sir, was at a big party down in Des Almonds, La today. We have been filming a documentary on the crab business and today was the wrap up. Of...
I musta missed that too... Cause I know when I heard him say it I took a double take.
Anyone hear Nubberville say at the end of the game that AU finally got a call to go there way. Gimmie a break...
Some of you people watch to much CNN. NK isn't going to be a threat to us. These clowns couldn't hit China with a NUK. Remember the failed test...
Never thought I would agree with a Bama fan... but I do.... Great post! Now I am going check my temp, cause I gotta be sick or something...
Well the thing is Isreal won't do much with out the US backing them. We are like the big brother keeping the bullies away. So Isreal isn't a...
Not bad of a list, altho I don't think the Colts deserve to be that high. The Bears are the real deal this year and we might hear the "Super Bowl...
Everyone take a deep breath. We lost to 2 good football teams and people are calling for Les' head on a stick. The first game was questionable...
Crawfish Fetticini or Shrimp Alfredo Pasta! Of course a good crawfish boil never misses the spot...