Is the Pink Letter from Ramsey or is Jon being Catfished by the Umbers or Sansa? As for King's Landing...the last time an army was let through...
Don't recall Rickon looking surprised. Just weak and terrified.
Where is LittleFinger? Any chace he is involved with the Umbers or is he down South somewhere?
I can't remember exactly but the amount of film used for GOT is record breaking. I think they have done a great job. The show is never going to be...
Good review of Snow from last episode...
Miles been staying on him non-stop and offer was hard to pass on and his young son growing up in Baton Rouge played a role in it.
And now back home...already. ;)
I'm confused....Why is it you think Ned was portrayed as dishonorable because of the action of Reed stabbing Dayne in the back? The dishonor came...
Ok...I have heard of the Others. Somethink Martin based the Children and Others on Irish folklore.
Not sure what the great other is...but I did see one where they think he was a warg into Lyanna's White Horse.
Just read a fan theory...Hodor = ''Hold Door'' at the Tower of Joy. Hmmm
Probably a mix across story lines with so many angels..Snow's oath to Nights Watch, Bran flashback scenes that u mentioned, Daenerys marriage oath...
Next episode is called Oathbreaker...
Book readers won't be satisfied for sure but I couldn't imagine a better way to start season 6....I believe they directors have mentioned that...
Damn good episode!
All the pieces would have to fit right and at right time. Only thing I can say for sure is he will be a HC very soon.
Think Brandon helps in other ways but maybe you are right. I suspect Tyrian is a basterd of the Mad King.
Ok...last off the wall prediction. Mel may have some tie but Snow ultimately reborn in the fire like his Aunt, the Queen of Dragons. Maybe with...
Played ball with an this old friend the other night...Apparently he is doing well for himself (itunes top sales list or something like that). From...
Very true...Emmert he was in the process of negotiating for the cox student athlete academic center and raising capital wasn't going as swiftly as...