Yes...but many seem to think that Bloodraven is protecting him and not giving him the whole truth. If Bran is supposed to be more powerful than...
Good call...been waiting and hoping.
Pimanyoli's on Airline is the best option in BR. However, I really go there to get their Tamales. Odd I know. The 2 best spots for tamales in...
Curry injured is exactly what I said. Don't go twisting my shit to make yourself look correct. You act like no one else is notcing they don't have...
Stop grasping...They look tired for sure. Been talked about all over the media. Curry doesn't look anywhere near 100% either.
Saw a stat today...OKC has had the most success guarding GSW with their small lineup. Holding them to around 35% shooting.
Spurs won many championships resting up...After a long championship season you have to rest up some. You can tell the Warriors are gassed and...
All that hype and this is what we get out of GS and even the Spurs. I don't watch much of the regular season but every time I put on SC or...
How confident are you that Bran can't change the past from a book POV? I see many book readers saying it is possible and showing quotes and...
Don't see an issue with it all. The impact last night was great even after the others and we still have 2 left which isn't all. All Men Must Die...
Because u don't need to see his death (if it happened/or may see later) when we all know how loyal they are. I know the books go into greater...
To me the wolves dying show loyalty and how awesome they are. They don't fear death unlike many of their human counterparts. Hasn't the missing...
Maybe he already has tried and made it worse and what it is today. It is obvious that he was left on his own when the 3 eyes raven died and he...
The scene showed that Bran is still trying to figure out how this all works and that he has already done things to change things in the past and...
What is the big deal in with wolves dying? I'm lost...are yall imagining your puppies at home or something weird like that?
I love Littlefinger...he is basically the main reason for a majority of the misfortunes of others since the beginning and prior to where the show...
Even before the Hodor arc, the episode was packed full of information and right when you think you have a good grasp the Hodor part comes and now...
What played out was much better than the theory. I know, I know some probably hated the episode...but Wow. The best so far in my opinion.
There is a big trend with top LA prospects that leave the state who end up getting in some kind of trouble. We have our own problems but the trend...
I think Jamie and Cersi use the Tyrell army and then turn on them. Maybe it goes the other way around. The religious freaks could also be a huge...