Hence the title
we are #4 on rivals; we are #2 scout
SuperPrep Allen Wallace 1. Florida 2. Southern California 3. LSU! 4. Texas 5. Tennessee 6. South Carolina 7....
You forgot Dixon
Not this guy. I am watcing Fear and Loathing:thumb:
I was born and raised in Opelousas and went to the Easy-E for a couple years before having to transfer to NLU. It seems like things are getting...
Melville:hihi: :hihi: Don't cross those tracks.:yelwink2:
I think Callier got a bum rap. He was doing a good job.
Little before my time. Where did you go to school?
Whoops!!! I can hardly imagine the Daily Error making a mistake:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:...
I figured everyone else started one.... http://www.dailyworld.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070205/SPORTS/70205004
Salty is going to get banned:hihi: :hihi:
He needs a TD to lock it down
20 to 25 times seems like a lot to me considering he is a freshman. However, if he tears it up on the field then give him the ball 50 times
Chernobyl.....complete meltdown:dis: :dis:
and thats why he is on the bench
Were we always this bad?
I remember that LaJuan was at the Texans game and the announcers were talking about him and Joe. Apparently, LSU gave Joe a handicap accesable...
This has always been a favorite of mine. [MEDIA]