Bush based his decisions on a Clinton holdover in the CIA. If this is the kind of ignorance dem's hire for critical positions, its best we keep as...
g-string wearing leghumpers, are you kidding me, did you take a good look at that picture of yourself you posted with that blow-up doll, sh!t...
Well I see our two resident morons received their democrat fax blasts, right on time. :thumb: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Nov. 27th, but Cal kicks their asz next week.
Notre Dame will beat Usuck! :thumb:
Way too funny reading some of the crap on the wearesc.com board. Stanford can't run on us, don't panick our defense is sick! HA HA :rofl: :lol::hihi:
I gave everyone on here posting rep points. Jus cause for some reason I'm in a good mood!1 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You're right, they will just move Stanford way up to make it look credible. :po:
TBS cox 31
I would love to see Stanford shut these pricks up! :thumb:
Congrats!!!! Life will never be the same. :thumb:
The "FARM GIRLS" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Well being a southern gentleman, I wanted to introduce myself, before "I INTRODUCE MYSELF". You young' ens :rofl:
Tirk no offence, your little drawing is cute and all, but can I talk to that other little picture? Please!!!!!!!! :yelwink2:
They may just be BI-COASTAL! :shock:
Well, Danny boy cleared up his document snafu. He dug up a 106 year old woman, that said they were fake, but that the content of the documents was...
Do you have any suggestions on how to get him to go back. :thumb::grin::lol::hihi: And welcome to the board.
What part of anything, that this fool has had to say, leads you to believe that he is even a highschool grad? :dis::dis::dis:
Well hell his name says it all, just as soon as he finishes one gaydiator bone, he wishes for another. Seriously, this may sound funny, but I...
I'm, with you, what the hell happened to awbarn since last year thats supposed to make them soooo damn good this year? I say we win by 17. :thumb: