Is this going to be anything like your post last week, where it took about 15 people to point out to you, that you didn't even comprehend, what...
No, what is shameful, is algore concedeing the race, then retracting his concession. The only shameful political intervention was invited in by...
The only racist I see, is you. No where in Marc's post, is color even mentioned, but obviously in your mind, the only people capable of committing...
That is a very inspirational picture. Kinda puts a lump in your throat, now doesn't it? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If they lost a job, you can bet your sweet a$$ they're repubs, there's not too many dems that look past their mailbox for a paycheck! :thumb:
It's a wonder that the fine Republicans of Ohio, that actually have jobs, can afford to support this many Gub'ment cheese eaters. Looks like...
I wonder if the builder of the stage, was executed before the sun came up?
Don't know who howard d is, but I'll put more credence in your opinions and accuasations when you dispense them more evenly. :thumb: Now its...
Typical Democrat They believe in retro-active tax hikes. Wonder how some of them would feel about retro-active abortions.
Real men was kinda what I was going for, and don't ever call me "alliterate" again. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:
Your right, we're both wrong. We can never cut our losses and run though, unless terrorist just magically disappear, the fight will never end....
Your not even smart enough to know where turd ray za's money comes from, and I'm supposed to put any stock in the rags you quote. George...
How fricken stupid are you moron. I suppose you can call the First Lady a bitch, but its classless for me to call that white supremist south...
Where were you with your "class" post when rexoff posted Laura Bush is a lying bitch, sh!t for brains?
In my best John Madden voice: And then, "BOOM" he was dead. What a pathetic Gold Digging Bitch.
Lions and Tigers and Bears...........Oh My!!!!
Umm, lets see............................How about everytime you post!!!!!! :rofl:
Well here's to you, oh message board cut & paster. Where would the rest of us keyboard heroes be, without your tireless efforts to ferret out...
Am I the only one, that as soon as I read any post from the rexmeister, the first thought through my mind is from a Sat. Night Live skit with Dan...
Marc, your avatars are getting better, but it was really hard to take you serious while looking at J.J. "Kid Dyno-Mite":lol: