I see rex posted an article in another thread that should interest you. Something to do with unions and stuff. You should check it out. :thumb:
DUH!!! ................ Obviously he "sucks," he is just not happy with which label is being put on it. :rofl: :rofl: Union or Marriage,...
If the times article stands, then why is 60 minutes backing out of their show sunday? Hmmnn Could it be they're tired of people smarter than you...
Seeing as how NBC and MSNBC have been having differing reports(no pressure brought to bare on that reporter to alter his original story), and the...
How dare you come on here and make sense!!!! :thumb:
He doesn't have crap, never had crap, won't find crap, and that is awfully hard for someone so full of crap. I'm sick to f'ing death of a...
60 minutes, was conspiring with the NYTimes, to report this on election eve. It seems their October surprise, will turn into November cries....
Kerry like rex, is still out there trying to breathe life into this bullsh!t.
Yada, Yada, Yada, How bout you go back to the Lair, Liar! :hihi:
I would love to think you're right, but its people like rex and crawdad that just shows, its the inept following the inept. People like rex...
Well rex, you wanted me to grow a conscience, seems to me the democratic kool-aid servers (NYTimes, knowing dems do as they're told) said jump,...
No hi-jacking threads without rep points, besides I'm only 3 away from triple green. How was that for a shameless attempt at garnering favor?...
The crap you spew, and you have the audacity to ask me to grow a conscience. How about you grow a pair. Still waiting to hear where your govt....
david corn, now there is an unbiased opinion. red you're better than this, at least I'm pointing out that the very people kerry said he met...
Old news, and to a man, they are denying having met with kerry. The truth is nothing that has ever stood in the way of kerry seeking power....
It seems kerry like the new york times, have no problems lying to the public. The times taking a 19 month old story about tons of weapons, and...
"Hasty incompetence"! I wasn't aware that competence or incompetence came in varying speeds. Now decisions on the other hand.............well...
"Trickle down is why George the First lost re-election" . Funny, I thought it was because he said "READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES", and then was...
No, what is pathetic, is that you insist on showing your ignorance. Do you really think you said anything of substance in this post? Everything...
Your supposed to see if he got it! :thumb: But your much smarter than him anyways!!