You said holiday season, and martin has made it real clear here that he is a non-believer, so I figured he has probably let his doorman know also....
Well bubba may not find his legacy, but "algore" certainly has. If you can't win an election then do all you can to F--K it up.
Am I safe in assuming, they were for kerry?
Yes, but when will it be over, and will plaudits keep that long? :hihi:
This is the kind of crap that scares the bejeezus out of me, not the content, because I agree with what Saban Fan said 100%, but the fact that...
ESPN has picked up this game for the 5th year in a row. Sheesh, I hate the way we play after an open date. :(
Wes I know he's an old fart, but he acts like a child. :thumb:
DUH..................... It's a well known fact that you're anywhere that LSU football is being discussed, the problem is you're not "lurking"...
The condemning picture, is of their anorexic looking tigger holding a huge cigar with the sign saying smokem if ya got em. What they fail to...
Hey prissy, I see from your first sentence you believe awbarn to be a part(wannabee) of the LSU System. While we appreciate your forward thinking...
I don't know, Bamma has 12 MNC's and had been setting the example, and showing AU fans the way for a long time, so I wouldn't be holding my...
Very astute observation there crawdad, I agree, Jimbo will not call 2 chitty games in a row. :thumb: As for your comments above, they too are...
In my best Elvis voice: Thank you,...........Thank you very much!!! :wink: I'm more than happy to make a Bammers day, 364 times a year....
I'll be damn, pu$$y tigger, who thinks we're short on memory, about all the bullsh!t you spread on our rivals board, has seen fit too show his a$$...
Yeah, but just think how easy it will be, when the socialist do take over, and your vote is cast for you. :dis:
Well I guess this clears up once and for all who had the Tiger mascot first, hate to say it, but it has to be awbarn. :( Hell, who knew they...
My thoughts and questions are of Kerry the man, and what makes someone like him tic. Everything you discussed was policy issues. You and I can...
This will be my own thoughts and opinions, on a couple of points that just stick in my crawl. Kerry spent a total of 4 months in Nam, and was...
Sounds like tubby had his own little luv fest going on with petey, cause he sure whines just like him. Lay down with the dogs and get up with the...