I thought she was a good campaigner too, until this election. She had no "Plan B" if her "Plan A" failed. ("Plan A" was to be the inevitable...
I don't see how she pulls it off - she'll need to get 56% of the vote in every single remaining election in order to go into the convention with...
Chuck Todd (MSNBC's numbers guy) said tonight that Obama now has the lead in the popular vote (which is meaningless technically, but important as...
Wow, some folks give a speech, but Obama gives a SPEECH! As one of the talking heads said after both Obama's speech and McCain's speech, it's...
They WERE the big fundraisers - but Obama is now the big dog in fundraising.
"OsamaObama"? Really?
CBS News has it: Obama: 1,134 Clinton: 1,131
I'm big on the government keeping out of morality and religion. I guess I'm in the other half. :) :shock: Suspected by whom?? I guess it...
If you are correct with your last sentence ("These situations are few and far between when a coach comes in and completely changes the system."),...
The NCAA should allow kids to transfer without a penalty if a new head coach is hired. To me, if the coaches can transfer without sitting out a...
The pope is diagnosed with an extremely rare but fatal disease. The Vatican doctors inform him that the disease is only evident in men who have...
No thanks... I have a 4 year-old and a 6 year-old, not to mention a teenager, so we have our hands full! Plus, I'm pretty sure it's illegal to...
No offense intended at all, but I find it funny whenever I see the word "misspelled" spelled incorrectly. :)
My understanding is that it means that if a team travels to Hawaii to play a regular season game against Hawaii, they can play an extra game that...
Nope. I do know that medallion has two L's, and "shelves" has an H. :)
It is, but I do not think that the NCAA rule excludes conference teams from this optional game.
Thanks for the additional info! I do see that Louisiana Tech plays Hawaii in Hawaii though, which means that they *could* schedule an extra game...
LSU's online schedule doesn't list it, and neither does Louisiana Tech's schedule, but this site lists it as a fact:...
Here's the deal - there is no perfect system out there. And no system is going to please everybody. If we take those two statements as true, then...