Yes - people "mis-speak" all the time, even lawyers. :) I'm no dummy (not a lawyer though), and when I've been talking for awhile, I will...
No, folks who don't even conceive that there's a chance that the exact words that came out of her mouth may not accurately express exactly what...
Uh, this thread mentioned one of his policies, and how the U.S. is actually using it effectively to target and kill known terrorists. I didn't...
This is just a guess, but the folks who would get all offended over a comment like this would likely vote for McCain anyway.
Do you remember back last August, when during a debate Obama advocated striking al-Qaeda in Pakistan if there was "actionable intelligence", even...
I'm supporting Obama, and have a crush on Michelle Obama, so I'm biased, but I think that what she said is not really what she wanted to express -...
I have a confession - I have a crush on Michelle Obama. She will truly be a FLILF if her husband wins. :) [IMG]
Obviously the last game was great, but I'm going to say the Florida game. It was so physical, those 4th-down calls that all succeeded, etc....
I believe Oswald was the only shooter. All actual evidence, including recent computer-aided reconstruction of the events that day, point to it...
Out of all of the possible ways that they could shorten the overall length of a game, I would imagine that cutting down on commercials is very...
Here's one - She was a proponent of NAFTA when her husband's administration was supporting its passage/ratification. Now she says she is against it.
Dumb question, but why can't the NCAA and the NFL get together and come up with a common set of rules for football? Easier for the players (the...
Huckabee has no chance to win the nomination (unless you're talking about something pretty unlikely, such as McCain being incapacitated) -...
Good point, but there's one difference - McCain's issues were well before any primaries/caucuses. He had time (and a little luck) to get things...
But the delegates are doled out proportionally, and Obama is able thus far to keep Hillary from winning really big - she's had 20-40 point leads...
Here's a trivia question... Excluding super-delegates, how long (since which state's elections) has Obama been ahead in the delegate count?...
Me too, but the article focused on the number of plays, because it was making the point that there could be a playoff system that could include up...
I can't find the article, but I recall reading an article that said that the average college game is a lot longer than the average NFL game (in...
You can't fool Bush in Texas, or maybe Tennessee, again!
The Democrats' elections are not winner-take-all though, so while it's nice to "win a state", the important thing is the net gain in delegates....