I think Shula's going to be a good coach. I mean at least he hasn't embarrassed the program or anything (How well he recruits is yet to be seen,...
What's lsu's excuse? [IMG] 31 - 7!! Gotta love bragging rights! :D
1.) I never bad mouthed lsu. All I said was that they were unproven in their games prior to the uga game which is still true, especially when you...
Ha! Even on LSU forums you still get put in your place tigah! Give it up dude! [img]
I still can't believe you guys have a loss to UAB...what year exactly was that?
Right now that looks very possible...but there's a lot of ball left to be played!
Hmm...must have been a big game I guess. :D Great win guys!
Yeah, nice win Tigers!
Do you guys think that Saban has a chance at going to the NFL next year or does he even want to? Would he go if asked I guess is what I'm trying...
Yeah, just in time for all those scholarship reductions to really take their toll...
Yeah, I was about to say... And Mobile is about as Pro-bammer as Bamaham, how'd you manage to escape?
No I was responding to this: "How dumb and naive of an Aubie to post anything in this thread!!!"
I don't remember lsu being labeled a pretender last year. It looked like losing your QB hurt you last year...I mean, 4 points kept you guys from...
Uh...if I'm not mistaken, lsu hasn't beaten Auburn this year and the fact that Auburn is 1-2 has nothing to do with lsu....31-7!!
What? How could the defending SECC be a pretender??
Speaking of Va Tech, didn't you guys open up the season last year with them in VA? How come they didn't come to BR this year?
Pollack's definitely a playmaker. You have to respect him for that. And it's not like uga is going to be intimidated by lsu...you giddy tigers...
With the high that Vandy is on (hanging 51 points on ANYBODY should boost confidence, esp Vandy) and the low low low that Auburn is on, how the...
The brunette got my vote! Wow!
Corso called us "War Pigeons" and made Auburn his pick for the team that lost the most for two consecutive weekends now...can't argue with him though.