Yeah, at least your administration is TRYING to help tone down the the classless behavior in and around the lsu campus...good luck getting rid of...
Obsessed much? [IMG]
What happens on Oct 27?
Right because Teletubbie is in fact Satan in human form....sheesh! You guys are funny!
TexasTiger, Auburn is not talking ANYTHING NC...quit kidding yourself. Give the UT guy a break, Auburn is the best team he's played so far....
Decisions, decisions huh guys? :D If I was an lsu fan, I'd want the earth to open up at midfield, because both of these teams have a...
Did you guys see the bald one? looked homo! And you're right, at least they got to vote before the admin ruined everything....sad time to be...
Wow, no kidding...they don't even know if that guy is going to live after what all that tiger did to him...terrible...but they've been doing that...
Zook gave Leak too long of a leash too soon...and now they're seeing the aftermath of rookie mistakes. The lsu D should eat his lunch...
Nah, that wasn't my original post...
Wow, you have issues, Mr. "Educated"...I wasn't talking to you anyway.
Look, all I was trying to do was bring a different viewpoint to the conversation. I really wasn't trying to flame. You guys are pretty much...
Trumpet band boy...I NEVER said Auburn was going to win a NC, much less run through pointless voting scenarios on exactly how Auburn was going to...
This is absolutely guys are running through all these scenarios about NC title voting and blah blah and you've only played one SEC...
I'd say the same if I were a uga fan...
Where was the evidence that WE light our own trees on fire?
From the video, it sounded like a group of UT fans were sure enjoying themselves...
What? What season are we in right now if fall is "the time to get it together"? And how many cylinders are you talking about when they barely...
Very true. And this is the second week in a row that they've zoomed in on a Saban he's intense!