This is correct. There is a special clause specifically naming Michigan that is a considerably larger amount. It might be near $1 million.
It was Xavier Carter, not Doucet. It was right in front of us in the band.
Who ARE they? WHat club is that?
Isn't there an adage sportscasters use saying that sometimes it's better to be lucky than good? After 33 wins, SOME of those had to be due to luck.
And only one SEC Championship to show for it. Thanks to LSU. :geauxtige
I thought that was Kentucky's?
If LSU went undefeated and were left out of the NC, then the pollsters would try and justify leaving out 2 SEC teams by saying the competition is...
Agree wih you 100% on that one. So it's a vicous cycle...the Controversy leads to clamour for playoff, which brings more attention and money back...
Oh, I have been to the last 5 arkansas games with Tiger band...I rememebr each one vividly... 2000 - 14-3 Loss @ ARK in 31 degree rain. Josh...
got 1 ticket, i need 2 more for my wife and brother
But that's not a product of the NCAA. That's pure economics. More people want seats, so you build stadiums to seat them and charge them. ULM's...
Just another example of how we're losing the economic impact of this game and the tax dollars by moving it out of state and not play it in a...
yeah gateway.
Yeah it benefitted us and i know it. I guess i'm more of an idealist, even if the results of 2003 would have been different. We wouldnt be even...
I moved here in July so my wife could go to Pharmacy school (the ONLY reason to move here, hehe)so we're still learning what there is to do around...
If I recall correctly, the only thing consistent in 2003 was that LSU was #2 in both human polls AND the BCS. So we didn't get handed anything....
I am fortunate enough here in Monroe to hear ESPN radio 24/7. The discussion on Colin Cowherd's show was that Ohio State fans are not objective...
here is how I solve this...Expect to NOT be playing in the Rose Bowl and then if the stars align you'll be happy. Seriously, the scenarios are...
Satisfied? We're 9 and freaking 1 without any bye weeks in between. We won't have one either. You should be ELATED!! Flaws and inconsistencies...