he said nothing in his press conference...sure, they can have a deal worked out, but all it takes is a phone call... however, even though he...
SORRY...i don't spend ALL my day on here perusing every new topic and every person's post! No, i didn't post. i heard it on Mike and Mike,...
good miles article...i hope its true... http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071118/SPORTS0201/711180364 apparently his best...
I went to a John Curtis game the other day and there was a McKnight on the team (#4) that was a sophomore (i think). The dude had some wheels and...
if butch is headed to UA, in five years we'll be battling ole miss and MSU for 4th place in the SEC, that is provided we keep that sorry coach Les...
Re: BO PELINI Bo has turned himself back into the DC he was when he first came...remember ASU in 2005 after LSU gave up like 700 yards to ASU?...
it would have been best for us to dominate a top 7 UGA team...too bad... i figure we will lose anyway. unless, of course, miles is wanting to...
um dude...those guys all have national championships...les has nothing but a tall hat and a nice personality.
carroll and stoops have national championships under their belt...miles has a tall hat, nice personality, and absolutely nothing else on his...
Re: New Head Coach if i had to go with a coordiantor, i'd pick Werner from UF. I think that's his name...the OC. however, i like muschamp...
if miles is here next year...we'll be lucky to be in the cotton bowl... at least with a new coach, we'll hopefully be unpredicatble...at least...
Re: New Head Coach As for Jimbo...the dude can coach. If you remember the Rohan/Mauck years, our O's were awesome and creative. The probelm for...
Regarding Houston... Look, the dude outcoached LSU. Historically, he does more with less than any coach in the SEC. Is he awesome? No. But...
to me, McCray is more of a safety. he's clearly not as good as the other safeties but a better cover guy than Jai Eugene. i think he steps in...
why is it that all the OSU folks were happy to see Les leave three years ago? I guess we know now. yes, players made mistakes. but, 4 and 10...
Les is clueless...on a 4th and 2, he fakes a QB sneak and throws it. At bama, on a 3rd and inches, he does a gay shift instead of running hester....
Yep, Les...you got outcoached by Houston Nutt! Now, i give Houston credit, he does more with less every year. (If you put a good QB on his team,...
what's the latest on him...from what i heard he was underrated last year and is a beast...
maybe its just me, but i don't like his attitude...the dude can play but it clearly appears to me its all about him... ...furthermore, Terry...
chad jones going it on TV/radio???