Don't forget to share.:thumb:
Why don't you tell us how you really feel?:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I don't know of any higher compliment.
With the latest BCS vote totals, the "thin ice" seems to be mostly in the commemtators heads. LSU holds its fate in its own hands. If they win...
OK, now, get a grip. He was ASKED about his former coach, whom he played AND coached under. Don't know if you played, but a special relationship...
Nice article about him in the Omaha World Herald today, but voicing some of the same reservations as noted on this thread.
Spoke with people from Omaha Tuesday. They said Pellini and wife visited Lincoln on the team's week off. Seemed pretty sure of it. I still wonder...
Not the one with the coloring books and crayons?
Great collection of hits. Could only be matched if someone compiled the seven sacks from yesterday!
You mean Bama doesn't have a seismograph on campus?
There's nothing like endless wind sprints and 'climbing the steps' in Tiger Stadium to focus the attention.
And it turns out, that newspaper was symbolic of Florida's season.
Playing the numbers game, you do know that people were aggitating for Saban's firing and chances are he would have had, at most, one more year in...
Re: The official let's get back to bashing Saban thread Is that even possible. I'd call a lawyer, but it hurts to punch all those buttons.:lol:
Re: Perilloux to be cleared......... Three're out! I'm truly sad for the guy (can't call him 'kid') and hope he's able to turn...
Re: The official let's get back to bashing Saban thread :thumb: :thumb:
Re: Perilloux to be cleared......... Just the opposite, my friend. Just bemoaning the fact that some in Tiger Nation seem disappointed that...
Wonder how many on the plane were members of that extramural trustee board that hired Saban.