The black guy (USC ) photo, second row from bottom,almost middle, turned sideways 5th from left,, toward white guy. What is he doing with his hand...
He cant hold a candle to owens in mouth speed
Fred Smoot used it (Miss. St.)too
If you stick to Tigers 1 Eddie Kinneson, and still left early 2 Nate Livings -glad hes still there!
Its because the Saints are PROS at choking. unfortunatly
Aub59 has been on the osu shining up usc ,its pitiful, and he thinks the corndog thing is fantastic , only thing he is the only person that has...
My prayers are with you.
Its been called sam will mike for most teams for 30 yrs or more, Im sure teams add some of their own names , but you have heard things like sam...
Top RB in state is Antonio Robinson(Winnfield) already an LSU verbal
Ill change it up some, best player that got his behind handed to him, Cedric Benson ,Midland Lee,now a horn,West Monroe demolished what was...
Taco bell and Glenlivet, I like Highland Park 12, cream soda(chaser only, no mixing) and Saltines and chedder
Saints first year-got to be close to 67
I hate to see anybody hurt ,but it seems EVERY team loses somebody , last year it was Carey and Addai, somebody has to step up. Ill hold my breath...
Abita amber,or Rogue ale, then a flask of Highland Park Single Malt for TIGER STADIUM.I usually drink origianal Coors, but bust out the good stuff...
11 %, thats almost once every 10 years, thats horrible. It will all be scraped (sp), but who will get the screws before its changed. The BCS is...
The phins need a shrink to use to judge character, first cecil collins, now RW. Maybe they can borrow the one the canes use:shock:
Ok ,if Ryan opts for Texas and hes the top qb this yr.who is the next great QB (jr. class) that the Tigers will recruit?
Im telling ya ,its not a corndog without mustard, dont force the Tigers to bring thier mustard squirt bottles .CON-DAM-IT!:shock:
Everyday-Coors-but not that light stuff Gameday-Abita Amber Special-Chimay Red top or Rogue Ale Hard stuff-Highland Park single malt