It could have worked. It was on point but just couldn't go the distance.
I'd pick the cheerleaders.
Our team has no heart, no fire, no soul, no pride. They are the anti-2007 Tiger team. Couple that with nothing but fricking day games, and you...
Where are you driving to next Saturday? LSU plays Friday in R-Kansas. The only thing positive today was the sweet Billy Cannon sign they...
I wonder why they don't mount cameras on the inside so we could at least see him on the jumbotron.
I sure hope so. Have we heard the extent of Lee's injury?
Yeah, I caught that also.:cuss:
And it looked that way from the beginning. I hoped they would prove me/us wrong.
65-14...OU is having their way with TT.
Detroit could actually be a good fit for him with all of those talented receivers they've been drafting year after year.
59-14 lord have mercy!
I'm tired of...losing.
This thread is epic. Thanks!
You've been brainwashed!:lol:
This sucks. The atmosphere this past Saturday was electric when the sun went down. I wish it would have went down sooner.
They used to have night games on CBS. I think there may have even been one this year. 2:30 bleauxs. Most of us (students) are just waking up.
The Walt Disney Company is based in California. ESPN operates out of the Northeast (Not sure if NY or CN) CBS is owned by Viacom which is probably...
Every Sinner Prays to Nick Satan or Tide #1? "Not so fast my friend" :milesmic:
I like the size, but I don't like that Toonces has once again replaced the classic tiger at the top. If you're gonna replace it, at least use the...
I love to see USC lose! Hopefully, our guys will continue to take care of business and once again find away to play in another BCS Championship....