Billy Cannon isn't long for this world and it's about time that he's honored for his gridiron feats, not denied honor for his off the field...
I think CLM would "settle" for a SEC Championship right now for 2008 with a freshman starting QB and a "now-its-officially-a-rebuilding-year"...
Sadly, you may be right, but I don't think so, at least not on a regular basis. Not the ones in programs that win championships! Clearly, this kid...
The price of a "fattie" has gone up nowadays: 1. Loss of QB with an efficiency rating almost 180 and a sure NFL payday 2. Loss of all "favored"...
I love it. He destroys his own team's depth at RB in practice, so they prohibit him from making real hits in practice. That will be a liability...
Parso doesn't need you to speak for him. His silence is enough for me to know that he knows he's wrong on this point. Semantics aside, if you...
Give us a break, the coaches have a stable, they want a stable, and they want to play any of the horses at any time. You need 4 quality RBs to...
Let's rehash this! I'm confused with your logic. Herbstreit, your team just got a "repeat" SEC dogging in back to back years, the latest being an...
Hey, Herbstreit! Go see the Wizard of Oz. When he's done with your brain, tell him to plug in a couple of new eyeballs too. :eek:
Defensive Tackles run a sub 5 forty. OGs need to pull and run a lot, and for about 280, they need times of no more than about 5.1 for SEC champion...
This is one I'm still shaking my head on. Orelus is listed as a center/guard. He has never camped at LSU, and he gets an offer. Orelus at...
That's got to piss off his paw and the rest of the Buckeyes. I agree with ist guy though, he's not LSU material and he's probably not a good fit... This was posted on another thread and shows a decent depth chart. Hatch is a "gamer". Great news for LSU!
Spring Ball games always resemble a HS atmosphere, for whatever reasons and you can take your pick. PA system and atmosphere Half-filled arena...
Tie # 1 1. AU TD grab with 1 second on the clock. 1. Flynn blind flip to David, fake FG in the USC Game was one for the ages
u miss my point. were u recruited by saban
wow, what a forum! I love it! In an age where LSU and Tennessee slug it out in SEC Championships, we get to play "holier than thou" and watch...
Dammit! The hatred for Brady here runs deep. Did everybody get the message, Brady was fired, lol. Butch Pierre never had a chance at the coaches...
Poor West Virginny! They just keep slipping! The last slip gave LSU a :crystal: What do we get out of this?:hihi:
It's too early for solid predictions because of the RP suspension. LSU's offense with RP was looking to be a solid favorite for #1 in the SEC...