:rofl: Vandy underway Go Vandy!
Van Horn has a very successful past, Perno doesn't And many times this year, Perno's gut "failed"....I hate to sound negative but if you go to...
I would take UGA going to the CWS and kicking the sh.....crap out of USuck.
I would but I really do think people need to see how f-ing sick some people are....this is the lengths some people would go.
Lets' hope Perno doesnt run his arm out....
east carolina vs. south carolina - East Carolina beats the living daylights out of USC.....ok ok...USC wins...hopefully they dont though georgia...
True...BUT with Perno you never know what you are going to get. His recruiting is average and he pulls starters TOO early many times. Granted, our...
Wheh!!! Great win for us! Now time to kick some aggie butt!
Hold that thought...he is a solid coach but not as GREAT as some of the awards he has won.
Ya, he pretty much did.
Green Wave, you gone to D3 yet?
You just mocked someone for a weak comeback?
True And I am working for the Tigers PR/Advertising department this summer.
Anybody remember last year when instead of getting the Pitt/Miami game.....both Top 20 teams...we got Notre Damn AT Stanford? I cant express...
Has anyone checked out Texas Tech's first 3 games for next year? WOW
Ah, never gets old :lol: :lol: :lol:
Working for the Tigers this summer. Am actually posting from the Press Box in Comerica during a rain delay. Ugh
Oh wow...you wouldnt believe how arrogent some are about the Pistons...i heard a certain person i cant identify argue that these pistons could...
Am in Detroit working...wondered if anyone was up here...possibly watch the Supers or something.