Arkansas....easy Texas is maybe the best team in the tournament coming in, IMO. Incredible SP and hot bats.
Wheh...close game
Oh thank god....8-7 going to bottom of 8th
8th inning....1 on second base....zona batting losing by 2
Ya...that was his fault though...8th inning....7-6 now still
It's 7-6 but both teams will score more....
I am going with Florida...opps
Crap....7-6 in the 6th...Startup warming up
Someone explain this to me...if Diet Coke and Pepsi have no carbs...why is it bad to drink it on atkins?
Auburn fans, if Borges is that good...why did Indiana do so horribly week after week? 2 wins 10 - UCONN 13 - Washington 33 - Indiana State...
Eh, their loss
OU's team is actually going to top last years team which was the best of all time.
We play on Friday, you play on Saturday
Tirk, the rule is if you are running inside the line and the catcher is making an attempt towards first you are out...I think thats it
Ya had to bring up that play didnt you? Ok Ok, just kidding
Dude, I dont want to get into with a USC fan on here....I was told to shut up on the Smack board when me and a USC fan argued a few months back if...
Mother should gone for the other "balls"
Word to ya, dog
I cant believe some guy didnt beat the crap out of him
Anybody see the ESPN highlights with Stuart Idiot Scott after the game? "Kobe was money all night....except in the first half when he shot 33%...