Lies. I know you eat Reese's peanut butter eggs.
What an incredibly original and amazing idea! Sigh. When I get sick, I drink a gallon of orange juice, a coke if I feel nauseous and sleep...
Do you not think your "reason" was influenced by the culture you were brought up in? Whether you choose to believe that this country was founded...
I said that because it seems that way. You know that Christians have the Bible to live by. I'm not an atheist and I didn't want pretend like I...
Not at all. I have several friends that are atheists that are very intelligent, level-headed and have always given me good advice when I have...
We should declare war IMO. We could call it "the war on jerks." Definitely an idea I could get behind.
Pretty sure that would make just about everyone a bad person.
I would love an explanation as to who wrote these codes and laws before Adam was created...since he was the first human and all.
That reminds me... Black Eyed Peas Have Officially Written The Worst Song Ever - Funny Videos |
Red, you clearly don't understand the Holy Spirit. The Lord works in mysterious ways...amateur.
No offense taken. I don't pray to any of those gods so they don't know my secret desires. It isn't possible for them to give me what I want...
Not if you believe the Bible.
The Beatles music isn't bad enough to be called a plague, is it? :thumb:
Why not? I carry a gun in my truck and it isn't necessary...sometimes 2. If I had my concealed carry I'd prolly walk around with one all the...
Time to add occasion to the list.
As long as people require hand signed documents, fax isn't going anywhere.
You conveniently edited this part out. I'm not backpeddling. You are only reading what you want to read in order to support your argument.
How can you take a position on anything that is meant to fix something that you claim doesn't exist?
I missed the part where I questioned your understanding or I said there was anything mysterious about it. You have made it abundantly clear that...