There is something about martin taking the Lord's name in vain that makes me fear for my the universe is about to be torn in half by...
Clearly the ONLY option to do any sort of rebalancing requires government intervention.
The comparison between republican and democrat punishment in this context is irrelevant. If this happens to any other random guy, people figure...
And your definition clearly says that collective ownership HAS NOT YET BEEN SUCCESSFULLY ACHIEVED. You completely twist the meaning of...
Yes, let's prosecute the terrorists. That'll learn 'em.
I've seen a lot of people on this board accuse everyone that has said anything about socialism of not even knowing what it is. What I haven't...
They have a right to speak their own language, and being bilingual is awesome. However, I think it's pretty freaking arrogant to come here and...
I don't know anything for sure because there is no evidence. What you believe doesn't have any evidence either but I am 100% positive it is...
The only reason the plant is legal is because of what people use it for. If God made a bush that grew pre-wrapped joints and they were illegal...
Really? Did you guys seriously think that SF made this up himself when you read it? Sometimes I think you guys pretend to be idiots just for the...
If "clearly nobody could possibly know for sure that there is no God", then how can you be so sure (as evidenced by nearly every single one of...
If there was no imagination, we would all be robots and you jerks wouldn't have anyone to argue with. Stop complaining.
Does weed cure cancer?
Haven't had them in a long time or very often, but I enjoy them when I do.
I don't need SF's sig to tell me that Nancy Pelosi is a scumbag. She's pretty freakin ugly too.
V8 is delicious. I don't know what you are talking about.
I'm really struggling to get why martin's "outlook" is so hard to understand for you guys. pineapple. I'm talking super fresh, enzymes eating a hole in the roof of your mouth pineapple. Not that mess you buy in a can at the...
Technically I don't. There is no tangible proof. He is who I worship so He gets the credit. From a logical standpoint, I'm not really sure why...
I think martin is probably looking for something along the lines of... Not speaking for everyone, but mine wouldn't change.