Do you really think file sharing's popularity is due to fear? People don't download stuff because they are scared to steal a physical CD, they...
I have the solution. Red can take the test and screenshot the results. The Political Compass - Test
When did the word "black" become a racial slur? I guess it's only a matter of time until "African American" becomes a racial slur too? What...
I think the moral compass of the individual comes into play here. The decision of whether or not to take the case will effectively determine the...
Fixed. Stealing is stealing. Just because there is no copyright there to guarantee protection by an enforceable law doesn't change the fact that...
That may not be what you meant but inferences don't translate into text very well. Your example says exactly what I interpreted the meaning to...
Seems like splitting hairs to me. So it's okay to steal someone's stuff as long as the product you steal wasn't produced professionally.
Apparently the Canadian government doesn't like Indians' chances of surviving the swine flu. Several Indian tribes requested swine flu vaccine...
This is an excellent point. There are SEVERAL songs and artists that I would have never heard of had it not been for Guitar Hero. Why do you...
Music publishers: iTunes not paying fair share | Digital Media - CNET News ASCAP wants Apple to pay for the 30 second song previews that you use...
That paper is racist. I'm not white. I'm caucasian.
Ron Paul is a cerebral assassin. His weapon of choice is common sense.
You could make an equally valid case for encouraging more creativity. With the accessibility afforded by better technology, artists can't slip...
I least in a very small sample of scenarios, specifically mine. I took a promotion in April without a pay increase. By the time...
Every time I go to a client site they always say "You don't sound like a cajun". I never knew I had the right to be offended at that. I do...
So he got pissed off and sent an email. What's the big deal? I'm sure you could probably dig up some of my old emails that would piss people off...
I didn't have a problem with it. All the guy said is "You lie!", right (I didn't see it)? How is such a broad and true statement incorrect? I...
The end.
The final figure is per year so as long as every single one of those 700,000 cars make it through at least 4 years we should come out on top. Sigh.