If I was looking specifically for a board for juris doctors and lawyers, I'm not sure my disappointment at the lack of such would be justified in...
How unfortunate for us.
You forgot the rest. I know how to use the internet too. Napster in '99. Again, Apple acquiring the software that became iTunes in 2000...
Napster was around in '99. Apple didn't acquire the software that they turned into iTunes until 2000. They launched "iTunes" in 2001 as a media...
Fast Food: Cane's Burger: I try to stay away from burgers at restaurants since I can make amazing burgers myself but the pepperjack bacon...
Isn't WND like the Onion?
Not taking anything away from the credibility of your sources, but the information just seems...impersonal. I could just as easily say that free...
The entire quote is constructed with generic political buzzwords. I'm not sure how much more concise I can be in explaining that.
As often as you mention the lack of ability of professionals to "stay afloat" financially, there sure is a serious lack of examples for as much...
Sounds just like an Obama speech to me. Nothing but vague, empty, meaningless political buzzwords. You don't need evidence of meaning, you just...
Also this. [IMG]
As a courtesy to you and Tiger10...Please watch and proceed accordingly. Posting And You... | Flash Videos
[IMG] Got this in an email this morning. Kinda made me laugh.
I didn't read the whole thing since I am at work but is there something in there about regulating QoS? It seemed to me like it was just going to...
I thought we were only allowed to use hypothetical situations in this thread.
Read the Speech - I don't really like the government making rules about the internet but it's good to see that someone in the...
This is slowly becoming my favorite thread ever.
You can't place all the blame on Obama. How is anyone supposed to get anything done when you are surrounded by the group of rockheads he is...
Yes it The difference between the music industry and the video game industry is the video game industry caught it before it got huge....