are we seriously having this conversation? I could give 2 sh!ts in the ocean about T.O.D., squished snails, or beached whales. all I care about...
are you that baised for T.O.D.? they are not saying this is fraud...they are actually standing by the factual information in their report. the...
but T.O.D. is not human...I heard he once had a broken femur and played through the pain in the Pro Bowl. The guy is like Drago from Rocky...he... this and tell me now there...
just validates my thread title.....Mets Suck
you are an evil little man martin....the wizard must be proud. for what it is worth, I see no reason why the officers who wrote the report...
he had a bad reaction to pain pills - which Parcells said earlier after his surgery he is prone to. no big deal.......Clair is fine as well
just saw that on glad I took LJ with the first pick now, even though KC sucks.
russell 334 scott 388 davis 188 pittman 30 total 940
I am not too aware of LSU's upcoming future schedules, but if we play any PAC 10 teams away we may want to rethink it or push for nuetral refs....
have we already broached the subject of why the Dinosaurs do not appear in the Bible in Genesis, yet we have indisputible evidence that dinosaurs...
welcome to the board.
ok...this woman needs some help, plus this is a dated article as Baylor does not wear all green jerseys anymore. how can you not like the Notre...
liar - my TIVO said tonight's episode is from are a Schwab hater. OU gets an apology, refs get a suspension. Not that...
with all the threads about this today, do we need to PM Brett to start a rep forum? no offense to anyone, but I feel like I am back in high...
but remember....Grad is the super mod and he might be able to manipulate the reputation system in his favor as well.:eek: :hihi: doubt it though...
i heard TO Owens has a broken finger and is out for the season...i saw it on the internet! and, I fear the mods also. Mets will lose in the...
clair - they are not allowing any candle light vigils outside his hospital during the surgery.....FYI
russell 295 broussard 32 francois 15 zenon concussion that should be worth 100 pittman ankle injury? worth 50 anyway joseph...