What wise crack? You started with the name calling. To be honest I would prefer you keep your nose out if my business and let other people answer...
Why don't you google the words ease up?
U want to go there?
You sound intimidated is it bc the way they march 1000000 soldiers in perfect unison or all the sh!t they talk about us?
3? I think the Ducks would beat them.
All I hear is how they are beefing up. I think the US owes them a bunch of money right?
One time against Les. Lookin most forward to watching our DB's shut down their wides. Should be a great matchup.
Lsu could have kneeled out the entire 4 th qtr what's the big deal?
It's more of a what if situation. But thanks for telling us how the current system works that clears up alot.
Not with 2 L's they would drop. Think about it.
All true points. Nice post.
Well well well it takes a humble man to admit when his team is bad and LsU is good. I take my hat off to u. I know Archie Manning is on the BOD...
Yes we know how the current system works thanks for not understanding the question.
Look here little man, if the best qb in the world can't go undefeated in a weak PAC 10 then how the hell do you expect him to go 12-0 in the sec?...
That being said if the best teams in the sec played for the seccg it would eliminate a Bama LSU rematch in the NCG and everyone would stop...
Sounds great if football had a playoff. So I don't understand your point.
That's how it works now. I get that. However what is to be proven by LSU whipping up on the forth best team in the SEC? Get rid of the game or...
Yes but how could it be a championship game if the 2 best teams are not playing?
Should the best 2 teams in the SEC play the game? The way it is now LSU would play the 4th best team in the SEC. IMO they should scrap the game...
Reid was on the bench cutting up he will start