Well, we need to play our schedule, but if they were not playing for much before the "no bowl game," I shudder to think what will happen now. I...
I have no legal training, but how is it even conceivable that Biden could be impeached if the people running the voting in Detroit committed some...
I agree. The issue is that Trump was presented with a very high visibility problem, not really even of his causing and did NOTHING to fix it. It...
Good luck. Hope it’s a big negative!
I no longer care, but if this is the best they’ve got, I predict they will be told the time to question is when laws were changed, not after an...
Yeah, they can see a doctor!
I don’t think illegals should enter the country I don’t think parents should be separated from their children I don’t think anyone should be kept...
Trump won because of the terribleness of Hildabeast. Russians could not have made her worse. I know no one that changed their vote, ever. People...
Of all the hate I have toward Donald Trump (Yes, Orange Man Bad), the Russia Meddling story is a NOTHING BURGER. We do it, they do it, we will...
Good chance "Kraken" will be word of the year!
Learned two things in B-School 1. You either eat well or you sleep well 2. Slow to hire, fast to fire! And there you have it.
Good luck in the second half. I’m out!
One score from the over/under!
I can’t believe thy kicked a field goal.
That could have been picked off
Maybe the Alabama O guys will get tired from running to the end zone.
O M G !!!
Other than last year, it’s the same crap we hve seen for the last decade. Yeah, decade!