Never mind
Also Shaun white is not good.
Still a lot of missed tackles and the safety is still the leading tackler on the team. From where I stand that shouldn't be happening.
Auburn just beat LSU without scoring a touchdown. To me that says something too.
nuh nuh nah nah, nuh nuh nah nah, hey hey hey goooddd byyyeee!!!
I just pissed myself oh wait no spilled beer.
No 10 sec run off?
I doubt that was all they were doing in your room.
I might be mistaken as to what "death threat" means. telling someone to kill themselves, eat rat poison, or choke on a bag of dicks isn't...
Pretty sure this has been said, but to reiterate, I hope the starvation for offense and QB developement doesn't narrow the coach search strictly...
Great dogs, I've had two great ones.
I take it as its even more than that.
I seem to remember Jefferson having a pouty brat face too at least once.
Red contacts. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. i was disappointed to see that after the game during his interview.
I wonder if the difference in play from the second quarter to the second half had to do with scripted plays versus coaches improvisation?
Good night fellas. And good luck in y'all fantasy football leagues this week.
F$@k SabanFan
66 screwed the pooch on that one.
Except Dupre