Kill this thread please Shane. Make like David Coppafeel and just make it disappear.
Wouldn't expect a class act like Jacob Hester to say anything less, even if he didn't agree with the direction of his head coach. Les knew what...
The lengths people go to in order to make a buck.
Good ole Kaylee Hardtung
Well Les sure fought like hell to keep people from thinking the contrary.
good question. was just spit balling for the sake of conversation. Damn to be a fly on the wall though.
Has anyone considered the option that Aranda could be a candidate to replace Miles? Not saying it would be a good or bad idea, just wondering if...
So what he's saying is there's a chance? Lol
Nah I'm old school though and felt it appropriate for the occasion, lol
I bet taint would love to see Houston Nut in Baton Rouge.
He isn't being fired without cause. There's plenty of cause for him to be told to kick rocks. Just sayin.
So much for keeping things quiet I suppose. Leaks already.
Anyone here anything about a press conference? Will there be one? Anyone see the post game press conference Saturday night? How was it?
Coming back would be the stand up thing to do, as much as I took flack for my views over the years and I'm still here.
He gone!
how many NFL hall of famers were.l not chosen in the first round of the draft? How many heisman trophy winners and first round picks have turned...
They explained on the radio show why there was no run off. Made sense as to why it wasn't called. It has to be a stop play foul on the offense for...
Nah man I don't think he's intelligent enough to contemplate such a thing. Right now he's looking forward to he bus ride so he can get his wooby,...
haven't seen enough of aranda to make a decision. But with Fking and his clowns running the show, it wouldn't surprise me if they don't make him...