I couldn't care less about John Kerry's service. I do find his 3 Purple Hearts in 4 months, without ever going to hospital suspicious, but it...
That article was very interesting. You have people saying he served honorably and people saying he didn't. He still fulfilled his duties by...
No, it doesn't prove that he is a deserter. The records show he got the 50 points, from my understanding you can get the points from more than...
I skimmed it just now. It says that no records show he met the minimum requirements, but the records do show he met the required 50 points....
The subscript for the White House documents is different from the CBS memos. Those were also actual defense records, they would have more...
An expert from democrats.com is not a reliable expert. Where is the proof he was a "deserter" or "AWOL"? You have yet to show any. You even...
His obligation was the 50 points, he got the 50 points. Yes, he wasn't around for long periods of time, but his obligation was the 50 points....
To elaborate on his requirements: He fulfilled his obligation of 50 points in his 5th and 6th year, the years in question. He did them in long...
That would mean we would have to judge Kerry on his 20 year Senate record. Can't have that now can we?
He did show up in Alabama and at least one person has come forward saying he was there. The man that originally said he "never saw him" has since...
Nothing in the records prove that he was AWOL or a deserter. Nothing. Missing a few meetings, drills in the last months of service does not make...
There's a big difference between talking about John Kerry's ant-military and anti-intelligence record in the Senate, and the Democratic party...
After Miller and Cheney's (Miller's more) speeches I don't think the GOP will accept anything other than a landslide.
I agree with your last statement completely. I'll never understand it, he takes such odd stances on issues. With that said, I loved what he had...
I thought it was funny, but I'm not really a "mainstream voter". I don't think it'll have any effect, it's not like the RNC was officially...
Did you watch? McCain never mentioned Edwards or Kerry. Ron Silver never mentioned any Democrat. The only people that mentioned Kerry or...
Do you have anything to back that up or do just say it for the hell of it? McCain was great. He's stabs at the French/Germans, Moore,...
Cheney needs to put a shirt on. I couldn't pick between the gestures. They all are incredibly stupid. The fist pump is always amusing when he...
I'm sorry for your loss. May God Bless him and his family, as well as all of our military men and women.
I also completely agree. I believe in freedom of speech, but because of the laws involved it makes it all so complicated. They need to either...