All things being equal (both LSU and Ark being in the SECW), I'd rather see the Hogs go. They don't win much. It's nice for them to see it...
Damn, called me out. I was wrong. UGA can, apparently, reload at RB. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
My new favorite word. :thumb:
Probably because he's an Auburn fan and we feel free to discuss whatever we like on our own boards.
I didn't have very many mult choice exams. Mostly 3 hour essay exams. :eek:
Ah, don't be scurrred. It's not so bad. Just alot more reading than you might be used to.
Only way to prepare for the LSAT is to take tests. I read a Kaplan review book before mine and they gave "strategies" for each portion of the...
Actually, Dabbs, this was all our AU boards were filled with for the months and months prior to the AU/LSU game. Nearly every LSU fan gave us...
Same song and dance they gave us before the AU/LSU game. They're superhuman and no one can field a team that can even hope to compete. :dis:
Christ you can be dense sometimes. And as far as 5-3....well, right now it's 2-0. Let's talk after the season.
This game is much like the AU/LSU game, though I think the UGA defense is a bit better than the AU defense. UGA will stack the box and force LSU...
Keep ramah going, he's loads of fun when he's wrong....which is pretty often lately. :thumb:
Whatever helps you sleep at night, chief. :thumb:
So are you now taking the position that you aren't the NC? Until that trophy is given to someone else, you are the defending NC.....expectations...
Jeanne will be long gone by Saturday. Don't sweat the field conditions. :thumb:
Elvis runs a fantastic hog the link in his sig. And he's correct, LSU will pound MSU mercilessly and make them cry.
That's what I was thinkin'. :thumb:
ramah has been noticeably absent today. Figures.
Whew....we've reached the bottom of the barrel of things to gripe about in the Auburn/LSU game now.
I'm not sure how that play is designed, but it looks like the punter has a pass/punt option. If the blitz came hard and fast, I think a receiver...