Is this guy the inventor of the "Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game?
THere probably won't be one. From looking at the distribution in 2002, LSU really didn't get seats based solely on sections. LSU received blocks...
They're doing the lottery today. You'll get an e-mail tomorrow. The way it's been done in the past is that every season ticket holder/account...
Re: Re: Is Nick asban related To lou Saban? Lou Saban is the old coach of the Buffalo Bills. He coached the Bills when O.J. Simpson was...
Hey Petey - People are starting to stare. Let's go back into OZ.
The Media Guide always have a 2 page spread on the 1958 team. Looks like they will have to add another two pages next year!!!
[IMG] His Defense would have worked!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Re: TAF If you are a TAF member who is a season ticket holder (and you applied by the deadline) but you weren't in the top 2386 -- THEN, you...
Maybe they index their prices to the minimum wage??? I was there in the early-to-mid 80's. I just remember going there with a $5 bill and...
He knows exactly how many accounts are left (didn't get tickets through the TAF). Simply take the 2,150 (4,300/2) accounts that will get 2...
I was told that although he didn't have the exact figures in front of him, the odds of winning the ticket lottery will be between 55-58%.
Mmmmmm.....Mr. Gatti's!!! I can't remember the exact price, but I believe the all you can eat buffet when I was at LSU was something like $2.95...
Saban is beginning to remind me of Lombardi, but not because of the winning. Rather, because of the "men" he is making off-and-on-the-field....
The ONLY time that the computer polls will COMPLETELY OVERRULE the HUMAN polls is when it is ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that the HUMAN polls got it wrong....
Here's an article on Bill Gates' dad giving a lecture on the positives of the Estate Tax. As some of you know, I have studied tax and tax...
This is moronic. Looks like something the Tulane fans would do using LSU instead of OU.
I reposted this on the Free Speech Forum (together with a personal story about another Political Give-Away) if anyone wants to continue on that board.
The TAF needs legislative approval for virtually EVERYTHING it does. And, the TAF is only allowed to exist the way it does due to the...
Saw this article below on the Sports Board, and thought I'd bring it here. Does this bother anyone else. You have two bodies that rely on the...
Doesn't this sound like Public Corruption to anyone else? You have two bodies that go to the Legislature for funding. One is a private...