Your cultural relativism is atrocious. First of all, China can build all the embassies in the Gulf of Mexico it wants to. Hell, it controls the...
LSUMASTERMIND gross national debt as a percent of GDP Reagan 1st term: +7.3% Reagan 2nd term: +11.2% Bush: +12.2% Clinton 1st term: +3% Clinton...
Your making the naïve assumption that Islam is like other religions, however, it’s not. In Christianity and many other religions most adherents...
It’s not Muslims fault that they were born into Islam is it? Hence, they were indoctrinated into Islam before they ever had a chance to learn...
Nice attempt at a silly moral equivalence, but Christianity like all other religions is just that a religion. Whereas, Islam, on the other hand,...
No…but it means they are Muslims and all sects of Islam without exception and all schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both in Shi’a and Sunni Islam,...
How do you know this? I mean the movement against the ruling Mullahs has called itself the Green movement. Green was Muhammad’s favorite color....
Wrong. I have nothing against Muslims. However, I do have great disdain for Islam as I did also for Communism, as Islam like Communism is also a...
Muslims around the world perpetrate suicide/homicide bombings by the thousands. Only a fool could be naïve enough to assume that MAD (the Doctrine...
This means targeting its nuclear facilities via precision air strikes. Given what we know or should know by this time, we would be foolish not...
None of this has happened. I can't find it in the New York Slimes, Washington Compost, CNN, or any of the big three networks. Hence, it hasn't...
Ever since 9/11, when Osama bin Laden was thrust into the spotlight, he has made it a point to occasionally submit questions to Americans —...
"Basically, let it go," he said. Let Afghanistan go -- music to my ears, particularly given the source is no Hate-America-First professor or...
Uhm…I hate to rain on your naive parade, but Muslims hate all non-Muslims equally, as Canadians have been the victims of Islamic terrorist attacks...
Virtually all of the CIA’s reports are written by leftwing loons are by Paleo Conservatives just as blinded by political correct multiculturalism...
The 9/11 commission was a joke. Bush didn’t need to appoint a commission; he needed to fire the incompetent loons that were responsible for the...
There is an easy common sense solution to prevent any further Islamic terrorist attacks inside our country and it doesn’t take Patriot Acts or...
Uhm…the Taliban never was the protectors of OBL and AQ. The only reason they granted sanctuary to OBL and AQ was because they were being paid and...
The only reason the self-hating left and Ron Paul kooks always make it a point to mention that we once aided the Mujahideen that were fighting the...
What are we still doing in Afghanistan? Initially we occupied it to remake the Afghanis in our image, since according to the left, poverty and...