Fulmer can't coach big games to save his life. I know from last year. :)
I think he thought a player on the field called one...and while that is legal, maybe Les instated a team rule not to do it...or not to do it in...
http://www.nufoundation.org/link.sp?page=Trustees http://www.norfolkiron.com/page.asp?pageID=19
That's what I was thinking. I mean he was Linebackers/DC from 2001-04. Pelini -> Nebraska Muschamp -> LSU
Re: Tenn vs. UK....who do we want to win? In that specific instance 2007, yes, because it was during a change in possession. And just...wow at...
Re: NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FRAUDS It doesn't really matter. Unless KU beats MU and OU or UT (UT still has a shot if OSU beats OU)....which I...
I'm thinking 8th.
Hey don't forget to give Pelini to Nebraska.
I knew that was going to happen. Blah.
The D does not exist.
who wants a drink after that.... lol
They didn't even freaking try that time.
where are the D's minds when they are leaving #22 open??
what is the clock doing..... nvm :)
wow........... breathe...........
If Nebraska wants Pelini, they can have Pelini. I know LSU has had some injuries on D and such, but there is just absolutely no excuse for this...
yay...I was right. :D
I say he should go for 2 while LSU has good momentum going.
Eh, the Arkansas game is almost always like this.