that's prob the best take I've heard on this and I would say a very real possibility. even if it didn't start out as a conscious decision by...
if you're one of the two in your avatar, then yes! :yelwink2::lol:
he hasn't posted on the new forum.
cool of your Dad to drop in...
I watched a lot of the Desty vids linked to the second one above, man that #5 kid Johnson is a neat lil player, similar to Trindon I would say...
Jackson State
try this:
I agree, that's the only possible conclusion that could be made in this. Some of these guys are just amazing the way they try and spin things...
have to admit, I've never thought of it from this perspective. I've always been in favor of an 8 team playoff myself. but, that's an excellent...
Ditto on that, these guys have been top notch all the way. I've enjoyed them sharing their insight about the Tigers and the perspective they have...
the k-lite codecs did the trick, tigerdro...somehow I knew you would have a solution. works like a charm now. :thumb:
rofl...these two got my day off to a good start, thanks guys! :rofl::rofl:
k, I downloaded the whole 4.3 gig version...I have VLC and it is updated but the video barely even plays and it's not watchable, it freezes, fades...
I could be off here, but I thought I heard this being attributed to Saban not too long after Bama's last game or something. Maybe Terry can chime...
I notice that too but then he stopped...I think he had something bothering him with his helmet and he was just trying to get it right or maybe...
call me crazy, but wouldn't it be kinda strange for us to have a statue of Eric Dickerson. j/k great post, John! I'm sure you just said what a...
I give him 2nd easily. Tulane is entirely reliant on Forte, had OSU been in the game a little more and not been passing to catch up, Wells would...
haha, I was thinkin the exact thing. and then when Smith was asked about the speed difference, Jamarcus first disagreed but then agreed with... :rofl: