Agree. The question is, will we ever see anything close to this happen?
tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts is piss poor legislation. We have the highest ratio of state employees to state residents in the...
I imagine he's going to move up and get Murphy's snaps now.
any chance if he's not 100% by next year he could redshirt? Or did he already?
Agree, if the team continues to improve every week, we'll be fine. Vandy returned 18 players from a team that lost to Fla by 6 and beat Ole Miss...
are you going to feel the same when we have a president that you agree with too?
Holding off so far, so good.
I was proud of Bush myself, he looked amused at the whole thing, kind of like he wanted to laugh.
They pay less taxes as a percentage of earnings. Conervative groups like the heritage Foundation like to say that the top 1% pay something like...
Where was the Rep outrage? I don't remember anyone making a big deal, because it wasn't an american. Eveyone denounced it.
This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on TF. He had a shoe hurled at him in another country, by an Iraq citizen. Last time I checked,...
According to the non-partisan web site fact Wilson was the one who was lying. Obama’s Health Care Speech | Obama was...
The media bias angle is a lie cooked up by conservatives, to try and pressure better coverage. And it worked pretty well. You have one network...
no doubt, a wet night in Tiger Stadium beats MLB anyday.
no kidding it seemed like in 03 and 04 every game i went to had a rain delay. soaked to the skin for 4 hours isn't a lot of fun.
hope the field holds up with all this rain. I'm a little concerned.
every chance to take a partisan shot, huh?
You're right, they aren't in power, but they have no intention on working in a bipartisan manner either. The amendments they have offered by and...
I'm afraid that with all the rain we're supposed to get this weekend, that the field will be tore up for the whole season. Our field has been...
exactly, and when does it end?