can't really disagree with the points you made. I was more pointing to the fact that I think Miles can't help but learn after the Ole Miss debacle.
Just like Miles will learn from this. We need to support LSU, and right now, that's Miles because it is what it is. He's not going anywhere...
Tuckerman you need to take a break. We all know what happened. We all know what you think. You've made it abundantly clear.
Wouldn't 51 votes require blue dog support?
Her vote is just to allow debate. I doubt seriously if she'll ever vote for a bill with the public option, she won't be able to get elected again....
Posting negative about what's been happening lately is understandable after last night, whether you support Miles or have always looked forward to...
THe one thing that gets Rodriguez run at Mich is probation. If Miles turned them down last time, why would he go facing a NCAA sanction?
and the second guessers and out-coached whiners have returned.........
bama posters on Tidefans are saying that Patrick Peterson pass interferes on just about every play, and that they got jobbed most of the game.
It wasn't just the INT. It was the PI that the flag was picked up on. A spear that wasn't called. I'm not saying it means we win. But bama...
Defense scoring points would be a huge thing, I think points scored by both offenses may be hard to come by. Peterson taking one to the house??
Are better yet, tell us how Mies is not a good coach in a roundabout way, like only TerryP can do!:lol:
I'm all for that. Rival fans around are good. If they start talking trash (RedElephants) we can gang up on them and make em cry. You notice RE...
!twocrystals! I could really dislike you if you'd just lose the sense of humor :hihi:
Ahhh conservatives, walk out or result to insults when you can't defend your actions. Vitter was probably so upset he went to a hooker.
I like Terry alot. He's knowledgable as hell. But he's biased when it comes to LSU. Terrry will never be impressed with LSU or Miles. He's made...
Like the people at the health care town halls let the dems talk?
Me too, I'm so sick of everyone penciling in UF/Bama. This is our chance to shut all that lovefest down. And I"m with you on one thing, Bama...
Me too! The question is, is it lost, or was it ever really there? A poor offense looks good against Fla. Int. and North Texas. I'm not saying...